Good Dog Agility

Aggression Policy

Although aggression from dogs in agility is unacceptable, it is behavior that we, as a club, inevitably will encounter.
Therefore, the following policies apply to behavior in agility classes:
It is ALWAYS the handler’s responsibility to make sure their dog has enough space and to notify other handlers of their dog’s issues. It is also expected that ALL handlers will be aware of their requirement to keep their dog controlled around ANY dog, whether or not they are wearing a red bandana.
Crate Rule – All dogs must be crated upon arrival to class for set-up and at the close of class for tear down – NO EXCEPTIONS. This is for the dog’s safety and so you are free to help with class preparations.
Dogs must be on leash at all times. The exception to this is when the dog is running a set, but he/she must be leashed immediately upon completion of the sequence.
Aggressive behavior will be determined by the instructor/training director.
The following course of action will be followed if a dog exhibits inappropriate behavior:

First Incident

  • Red bandana rule goes into effect and the dog is placed on 12-month probation
  • The Head Instructor fills out an incident report and notifies the Training Director.
  • The leash-at-all-times rule is reiterated to all students.
  • Crate rule is re-emphasized to all students.

Second Incident

  • Mandatory obedience and/or behaviorial training and suspension from class.
  • Documentation must be provided to show that the dog has successfully completed 8 weeks of training.
  • An evaluation of the dog’s behavior around other dogs is made by the staff of the class.
  • If both are done successfully, the dog may return to class.
  • The red bandana rule is still in effect and the 12-month probation re-starts.
  • The Head Instructor must record the results on an incident report and contact the Training Director.
  • The Training Director will contact the dog’s handler and notify them of reinstatement.
  • The leash rule and crate rule are re-emphasized again and a reminder goes out about the Aggression Policy.

Third Incident

  • The dog is expelled from GDA.
  • If the handler feels this final step is unwarranted, the handler has 30 days to make an appeal to the Board of Directors whose decision is final in this matter.

Growing up, I rode horses competitively. After I started my family and my technology career, I down sized to dogs. Agility was a natural fit.

I have been competing in agility over 20 years with pure breeds and mixed breeds. I currently have 3 Labs…Cork-12 yrs, Juice-5 yrs, and Fizzy-20 mths.

I have earned multiple championships with different dogs and organizations, and have several AKC Top 25 Agility Dog breed rankings for Labs. I have competed in numerous AKC and USDAA national events with multiple Top 10 finishes and been on the podium at regional and National events. Most recently I was on the podium at the 2023 AKC National Agility Championship finals.

Agility is constantly changing so I regularly attend seminars offered by top national and international trainers to keep my skills current. 

Besides agility, my dogs and I also compete in scent work, obedience, and hunt tests. When I am not training, teaching or showing, I enjoy traveling, scuba diving, and snow skiing.

I’m addicted to training. Watching the “light bulb” moments is such a rush. As dog trainers, we are very lucky to be able to connect and communicate so intimately with a different species. When it all comes together in that one special performance, it makes all the hours of dedication worth it.

My training philosophy is to build a strong foundation in both skills and theory so no course seems too difficult or unachievable. I look forward to sharing my knowledge and experience with GDA students to help them achieve their agility goals.